News & Resources
In the Montgomery County Medical Society
Time is Running Out – Act Now to Stop the 3.37% Medicare Physician Fee Cut

Physicians are the only Medicare provider group that do not have an inflationary payment adjustment mechanism in the annual Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). If action is not taken before year-end, a 3.37% reduction relative to 2023 will take effect. Please reach out to Congress now to let them hear how this affects your practice and your patients’ access to necessary medical care. The AMA and many specialty specific organizations are seeking support from grass roots physicians to take the charge in facilitating letters to Congress advocating for physician compensation. You are urged to ask Congress to enact the bipartisan Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act (H.R.2474) which would provide an annual inflationary update to the MPFS. Because this affects all providers, the American Medical Association (AMA) urges action through Fix Medicare Now on this access page. Here you will find links to help you easily reach out to send a message to U.S. Congressional Representatives and Senators. Emergency Department physicians are especially impacted by this as the EMTALA requirements ensure that all patients who present to an ED are treated regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. The frequent delivery of underpaid and non-reimbursed services makes the reimbursement rates of other payers, including Medicare, critical. The Emergency Department Practice Management Association offers this link for contacting as well. MCMS Physicians have a unique opportunity to reach out to Congress to seek action in mending the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). With MCMS hosting U S Congressman Michael R. Turner at a special Meet and Greet session on Tuesday, December 19 at the Dayton Country Club, you are invited to speak directly to let him know how critical it is that Congress take immediate action to fix the flawed payment schedule for physicians. Register here to make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to let your views be heard. With all of the issues affecting Congress before the end of the year, physicians must rely on their own rank and file members to advocate for this critically important issue.